Bring your dreaming into reality

Guiding & supporting you to embody your soul calling and the inspiration to live in alignment with your true essence.

The Awakening Flame Mentorship programme is for those who wish to embody their soul calling and allow their fullest expression of life, love and truth to LIVE through them. Igniting the magical elixir of passion and presence, with the continual unfolding of BEING. It is a true journey of AWAKENING to unravel the old paradigm and tend to our inner flame that will burn through all that we are not and AWAKEN to the WHO that we are. 

Unification of

Soul, Psyche & Soma

Soul: Embracing that which has called us to earth, our own unique essence that has a journey of evolution that goes beyond this life

Psyche: Living more consciously & present in every moment, unmasking the unconscious & embracing reality

Soma: The sacred keys of embodiment, including nervous system regulation & radical care in alignment with nature

This programme is designed to guide and support you in your soul evolution, embracing your humanity as well as supporting your role as a practitioner, therapist or conscious leader.  If you wish to progress with a personal, creative, entrepreneurial or non-profit project or career, it can be invaluable to have a cheerleader on your team to encourage you along the way. This not only applies to what you are bringing into the world, but how you are bringing the sacred into your life to nourish & support yourself as you take the steps into your true calling.

Just as if you were learning to ride a horse, there are certain conditions that need to be in place as well as guidance into how to progress in a safe and consistent way as well as allowing yourself to enjoy the ride with grace and ease. It can be disconcerting at times as we commit to making changes in direction or try new ways with different terrain, speeds and obstacles along the way. How we approach the obstacles on our path, exploring new terrain as well as the spaciousness of the wide open is the key. Having someone there who is experienced in mapping & navigating the terrain as well as handling the obstacles can help you to navigate with greater confidence & ease. It can also be a wild ride at times when you are dropping old patterns or fear and entering into a new way of being. I am here to offer the guidance & support to allow you to take the reigns of your own life.

As a mentor, I bring guidance through experience from many walks of life and many worlds including the spiritual, academic, business, non-profit & community. Paving a way for living authentically whilst earning & serving. Illuminating wisdom with the awareness of the seen and unseen realms that are at play in the tapestry of your life. It is through your own GNOSIS (inner knowing), you already have the tools and resources within you, for you to align fully with your true nature.  I am simply here with some keys to assist you in opening the doors and entering into a new paradigm, a new way of living, playing, working & being.

Who is this for?

Therapists, healers, teachers, coaches, practitioners & changemakers who wish to play their part in contributing to the change that is needed for this earth & humanity.

  • Would you like to live life in alignment with nature & your own being?

  • Do you struggle to bring your ideas into reality or finish what you have started?

  • Do you find “going it alone” is not only isolating, but not getting you very far?

  • Would you like someone on your side who will motivate & guide you into living from your authenticity?

  • Would you like to live, earn & serve from a place of joy, passion, wisdom & integrity?

  • Are you feeling disillusioned with the outdated business, coaching & marketing principles?

Book a free 60min exploratory session to find out if this is the guidance & support that you need at this time.

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This is a 3 month programme for those who are in transition or may be embarking on a new phase in their life, a new project or new direction in career or being of service.

Bringing your vision into reality with clarity & focus

Creating a foundation of what will ground/support you for your growth

Setting alight the unconscious patterns have been holding you back

Unravelling & exploring what is in alignment with your soul



This is a 6 month programme for those who wish to align with their soul purpose & bring that into life through work, play, projects and relationships. Bringing about permanent change that will manifest through every aspect of your life.

Building on the process of igniting into catalysing your authentic self & offerings

Bringing into awareness the blocks & patterns that can become your strengths 

Finding your own rhythm in life and aligning with your true nature

Bringing about conscious change that will inspire your soul’s evolution



This is a 9 month programme who are called to revolutionise the way they are living, aligning with nature’s principles & their soul calling.  Taking time over a full gestation period to transform your life, projects, work, play & relationships. Bringing about a birthing into a new way of living and being that will be sustained for many years to come.

Building upon the process of igniting & catalysing into transformation

Taking you on a journey of metamorphosis of alchemising old patterns into gifts

Bringing the formless into form through unearthing your own precious gold

Learn the art of Dreaming, Feeling & weaving your visions into life

Identifying & building your niche of who you will serve & magnetise your creations


Three levels of exchange:

Ignite (3 month cycle, 7 sessions plus email support) - £1,800

Catalyse (6 month cycle, 13 sessions plus email support) - £2,880

Transform (9 month cycle, 20 sessions plus email support) - £3,960

Each session is 1.5hrs long and you have full access to email support as needed in between sessions should you need any guidance, inspiration or simply checking in.

Payment plans available, limited concessionary spaces reserved for those with financial difficulty. All payments are non-refundable as your commitment to the programme.


Tara’s Background

Before I launched myself fully into a life of devotion & service, I went through the motions of various jobs from animal care to public relations, university education (BSc and MSc) and a successful marketing career. This has taught me so much through experience of what makes people tick, what is needed to communicate offerings in this world, as well as a wealth of experience working with teams, corporate and not for profit environments. In addition, I am very aware of the challenges that people face in their modern lifestyle and have learnt through many “burn-outs” how to move away from a linear way of “doing” into a more natural way of “being.” So I have developed a number of “life hacks” to bridge the gap between what is deemed “spiritual” and “physical.” In truth, our outer world is simply a reflection of our inner world, and if we are willing to take the reigns, we can unlock our potential for much greater, even amongst the most ordinary or mundane of tasks.

These days I am fully dedicated to living a life of truth, I am devoted to source through the continual embodiment of pure love. I am passionate about reclaiming indigenous wisdom from the land in which I am from and in which I am living. I see myself as a bridge and a catalyst for those who wish to come into deeper listening and aligned action with that which calls them to be here on this earth, at this time of great challenge & awakening.  Check out my full bio for more info.