What is Celtic Wisdom?

Celtic Wisdoms originates predominantly from the lands of Ireland, Scotland & Britain, but pre-celtic traces also extend into Europe. The Celtic medicine people or wisdom keepers were often known as Druids and like many ancient cultures, much of the lore has been passed by aural tradition. However, many traces can be found across archeological sites such as stone circles, caves, stone carvings and neolithic mounds across Britain and Ireland.

As my roots are from Ireland and currently living in Scotland, I feel a particularly strong calling to work with the herbs, trees, animals and elemental spirits from these lands. Although I do have training and background in North and South American traditions as well as Eastern, my core roots are in the Celtic and pre=Celtic lineages.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism originates from the ancient wisdom predominantly from the Mongolian region, however, similarities can be found across many indigenous cultures all over the world. It is a living practice rather than a religion or doctrine, so it's very nature is non-denominational. A Shaman connects with the spirit world in order to bring the healing, messages and restore the balance in this world.  The earth and the natural world are also an important part of shamanism as traditionally Shaman's lived in harmony with the world around them, often gathering herbs, wood, stones, feathers and skins to create tools and offerings that helped them with their work.

Within the indigenous tribes, a shaman or medicine person was an integral part of the tribe as they would work with spirit and nature to treat illnesses or imbalances in the people or animals. They would have many spirit helpers or power animals that would help them with this work, as well as working with the spirit allies of those that they were treating.

What is Celtic Shamanism?

Celtic Shamanism is a more modern term that has been coined in more recent times as many people are keen to align again once more with their indigenous heritage. Although there is great beauty in the similarity with other indigenous cultures, it is always important to honour the specific culture or lineage as much as possible. The Celtic ways or Celtic Wisdom very much includes a close relationship with the land and soul as well as spirit.

Connecting directly with source, the language and beings of the land, is always as unique as the landscape. Ireland and Scotland in particular are known for their Druidic or Pagan roots which have a strong connection with the Trees that are considered deities. Indeed the Gaelic language originates from the Tree Ogham, the language of the trees which gives a keen insight into the importance of symbols as hallmarks for remembering.